
I ate a Bambangee.  Bambangee stick stick chicken is a Sichuan dish in which steamed chicken is seasoned with sesame sauce such as sesame sauce. 
#healthy food
#Japanese food
#Japanese culture

Biscolata USA

Sea bream

I ate Sea bream.  I got a Sea bream, so I want to cook it.  Add plenty of ginger, burdock root and green vegetables and enjoy the broth together.
#healthy food
#Japanese food
#Japanese culture

Baked by Melissa

Hand-rolled sushi

Hand-rolled sushi that’s perfect for a weekend’s delightful rice with tuna sushi rolls and parties.  Both children and adults have the pleasure of making their own combinations, and there are many variations. 
#healthy food
#Japanese food
#Japanese culture

Ghost Democracy | Highly concentrated, exceptionally clean skincare.

spring rolls

I ate spring rolls.  Spring rolls are a type of Chinese food dim sum.  The name Harumaki comes after the Qing dynasty, but similar dishes were also found in the former era, which is believed to be of Middle Eastern origin.
#healthy food
#Japanese food
#Japanese culture
