sweet potato

I ate the sweet potato.  Toro-imo is made from raw yam or yam.  It can be eaten as broth, soup, soup, soup, or barley over barley.  … The sweet potatoes that are eaten are called “roasted potatoes”
#healthy food
#Japanese food
#Japanese culture

Chirashi sushi

I had Chirashi sushi.  Speaking of the Hina Matsuri ‘ March 3rd’ is a day to wish for the healthy growth of girls, but do you know if you eat Chirashi Sushi at a must-have festival?  In fact, there was a reason to eat chirashi sushi.
#healthy food
#Japanese food
#Japanese culture

Spanish mackerel

I ate Spanish mackerel.
Fish such as sawara (Spanish mackerel) is broiled after being pickled in saikyo miso (sweet white miso bean paste made in Kyoto).#Japan
#healthy food
#Japanese food
#Japanese culture

tofu salad

I ate tofu salad.  Add meat and fish to rank up the main dish, and enjoy “another dish” with unusual toppings.  The perfect match for any salad in Japan, Europe, and China because it is a tofu with no habit! ご I will introduce you with lots of useful ideas.#Japan
#healthy food
#Japanese food
#Japanese culture

bowl with tempura

I ate tempura donburi.  Tendon is a Japanese bowl with tempura on top of rice in a bowl.  Tempura Donburi is an abbreviation for Tempura Donburi, but today it is exclusively called “Tendon”.
#healthy food
#Japanese food
#Japanese culture