tempura soba.

I ate tempura soba.
ingredients for 2 people
2 bags of boiled soba (260g)
●Tempura (leftover from the day before) 100-200g (optional)
〇 Water 800cc
○ 2 teaspoons dashi granules
○ 4 tbsp soy sauce
○ tablespoon of mirin

I live in Kyoto. There are many world heritage sites in Kyoto. They are temples and shrines. I would like to visit each and every one of them and introduce them to prospective foreign visitors on YouTube.

Japan.#healthy.#shorts. food.#Japanese.#temples in Kyoto.#shrines in Kyoto.

Japanese culture.

Youtube https://youtube.com/@masahikomiyake6050
Instagram masahikomyake
Facebook 三宅雅彦
HP https://masamiyake.com

hamburger steak

I ate hamburger steak.
2 large servings
1/2 medium onion (100g)
1 clove of garlic
◯ Tethers ↓↓↓↓↓↓
○ Bread crumbs (preferably raw bread crumbs) 1/2 cup
○ 1/2 cup prepared soy milk (or milk)
○ 1 egg
○ Crazy Salt 1 teaspoon of normal salt
○ A little ground black pepper
○Pepper (regular) a little
○ A little bit of nutmeg
300g minced beef/pork

I live in Kyoto. There are many world heritage sites in Kyoto. They are temples and shrines. I would like to visit each and every one of them and introduce them to prospective foreign visitors on YouTube.

Japan.#healthy.#shorts. food.#Japanese.#temples in Kyoto.#shrines in Kyoto.

Japanese culture.

Youtube https://youtube.com/@masahikomiyake6050
Instagram masahikomyake
Facebook 三宅雅彦
HP https://masamiyake.com

dandan noodles.

I ate dandan noodles.
Ingredients (for 2 people)
Chinese noodles (thick noodles)
2 balls
minced pork
green onion (chopped)
Ginger (chopped)
less than 1 teaspoon
bean sauce
1 tablespoon
◎Soumi Shantung DX*
2 tablespoons
1-1.5 tbsp
◎Soy sauce
2 teaspoons

I live in Kyoto. There are many world heritage sites in Kyoto. They are temples and shrines. I would like to visit each and every one of them and introduce them to prospective foreign visitors on YouTube.

Japan.#healthy.#shorts. food.#Japanese.#temples in Kyoto.#shrines in Kyoto.

Japanese culture.

Youtube https://youtube.com/@masahikomiyake6050
Instagram masahikomyake
Facebook 三宅雅彦
HP https://masamiyake.com

roast beef.

I ate roast beef.
Ingredients 3-4 servings
400g beef block (thigh or shoulder)
2/3 tsp salt
Appropriate amount of pepper
1 tablespoon salad oil
[Simple sauce that you can make]
50cc of soy sauce
sweet sake

I live in Kyoto. There are many world heritage sites in Kyoto. They are temples and shrines. I would like to visit each and every one of them and introduce them to prospective foreign visitors on YouTube.

Japan.#healthy.#shorts. food.#Japanese.#temples in Kyoto.#shrines in Kyoto.

Japanese culture.

Youtube https://youtube.com/@masahikomiyake6050
Instagram masahikomyake
Facebook 三宅雅彦
HP https://masamiyake.com


I ate zoni.
2 servings
Chicken thigh
Japanese white radish
Shiitake mushrooms
1 sheet
(A) Water
(A) Liquor
1 tablespoon
(B) Granule Japanese-style soup stock
(B) light soy sauce
2 tablespoons
2 pieces

I live in Kyoto. There are many world heritage sites in Kyoto. They are temples and shrines. I would like to visit each and every one of them and introduce them to prospective foreign visitors on YouTube.

Japan.#healthy.#shorts. food.#Japanese.#temples in Kyoto.#shrines in Kyoto.

Japanese culture.

Youtube https://youtube.com/@masahikomiyake6050
Instagram masahikomyake
Facebook 三宅雅彦
HP https://masamiyake.com

New Year’s food.

I ate New Year’s food.
Ingredients (for 4 people)
lotus root
dried shiitake
8 sheets
8 (500g)
1 piece (250g)

I live in Kyoto. There are many world heritage sites in Kyoto. They are temples and shrines. I would like to visit each and every one of them and introduce them to prospective foreign visitors on YouTube.

Japan.#healthy.#shorts. food.#Japanese.#temples in Kyoto.#shrines in Kyoto.

Japanese culture.

Youtube https://youtube.com/@masahikomiyake6050
Instagram masahikomyake
Facebook 三宅雅彦
HP https://masamiyake.com

beef curry rice.

I ate beef curry rice.
4 servings
Chopped beef
1 piece
Olive oil (for pickling)
1 tablespoon
1 piece
#Japan.#healthy food.#Japanese
food.#Japanese culture.#stayhome.#stayhealth.#staywork.#stay eat .#Kyoto https://masamiyake.com

tuna bowl.

I ate a tuna bowl.
1 serving
Tuna (for sashimi/fillet)
(A) Mirin
1 tablespoon
(A) Liquor
1 tablespoon
(A) Soy sauce
2 tablespoons
(A) Grated ginger
1 teaspoon
Glue (chopped)
moderate amount

I live in Kyoto. There are many world heritage sites in Kyoto. They are temples and shrines. I would like to visit each and every one of them and introduce them to prospective foreign visitors on YouTube.

Japan.#healthy.#shorts. food.#Japanese.#temples in Kyoto.#shrines in Kyoto.

Japanese culture.

Youtube https://youtube.com/@masahikomiyake6050
Instagram masahikomyake
Facebook 三宅雅彦
HP https://masamiyake.com

hashed beef rice.

I ate hashed beef rice.
2 servings
Butter rice
rice (hot)
Parsley (raw)
a little
black pepper
a little
salted butter
1 tablespoon
Beef shoulder loin (sliced)
Salt and pepper (for beef)

I live in Kyoto. There are many world heritage sites in Kyoto. They are temples and shrines. I would like to visit each and every one of them and introduce them to prospective foreign visitors on YouTube.

Japan.#healthy.#shorts. food.#Japanese.#temples in Kyoto.#shrines in Kyoto.

Japanese culture.

Youtube https://youtube.com/@masahikomiyake6050
Instagram masahikomyake
Facebook 三宅雅彦
HP https://masamiyake.com